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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Windows Server and Network Administration

A world with no computers is unimaginable. Technology has progressed to accommodate each whim and fancy that the human mind can think up. It is the era of electronic data, wherein technology dominates many spheres such as information retrieval, transfer of data, storage of documents, and the very many modes of electronic communication.

About Windows:

WINDOWS is a house-hold name as far as Operating Systems (OS) go. Being the most widely used OS, it has claimed the top spot on the usage list for many years. To maintain such a position is indeed a task in this time of perpetual competition to outdo one another. A few simple reasons why Windows holds its own are:

# Easy installation and configuration
# Shorter learning curve, as it is easy to use
# Wide variety of applications and compatible software are available
# Large customer-support unit for troubleshooting
# Easy operation

As it is now, almost a major share of PC users have Windows as their Operating System. A quick look through Wikipedia will show that Windows has approximately 91% of the market share of the client operating systems as of October 2009. This is not likely to decrease much as a vast majority of the public as well as major corporations use Windows on their systems and utilize the Windows server. They prefer to depend on an easily usable OS. Other Operating Systems such as Linux, MS DOS, Mac OS do not seem to be as popular due to their high-level operation. For example, Linux requires computer prompts and commands for it to perform functions. This may not be ideal for the layman who is not particularly technology-keen, and does not use the computer extensively. But it certainly would be the dream of a technology-enthusiast.

There is currently an ongoing explanation as to which OS is better – Windows or Linux. While neither can win hands down, both have their attributes. But Windows being more user-friendly of the two, it has a definite point over Linux. Windows has evolved drastically since the first MS Windows version 1.0 in 1985. The latest being Windows Vista and Windows 7. Statistics have shown that the two have a large number of takers.

Windows Training:

Owing to the popularity of this Operating System, there is a large demand for Windows professionals. Now is the time to brush up on all that technical data and to collect valuable training and knowledge on all there is to know about Windows. Corporations look for professionals who have had relevant experience or training in specific areas. Therefore it is important to follow up on the latest and current trends. Some core areas of Windows Server and Network Administration are:

# Web hosting
# Firewalls
# Enterprise Networking
# VoIP technology

Due to the specific needs of companies, they have training programs within them, covering almost all areas of technology. The positives of undergoing such a training program is that, in companies, the candidates are given the opportunity to learn and observe in real-time. They are provided the means to handle live situations rather than stick to bookish-knowledge alone. This makes a huge difference in the learning curve as well as one is able to assist and assist to situations efficiently. On-the-job training prepares one for a job, in the sense that it gives one the right equipment necessary to take on a career; namely, Experience. Gaining experience in a certain field proves more difficult than earlier times, as IT-firms look to hire professionals who are already well-versed in the field. Trained professionals have a major advantage over the freshers as they have a valid experience and exposure. Moreover, these companies have the infrastructure to conduct trainings as they are well-equipped with the latest technology. Better exposure reads higher professional value, which in turn leads to a higher pay-scale.

Source by Sneha Liz


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