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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Dell Studio XPS 9100 Review – Advanced Performance and Vast Expandability

When you have demanding computing jobs and need a truly powerful computer, you do not need to look any further than the Dell Studio XPS 9100. This premier product is certainly amongst the most advanced computers in the market today and hardly has a competitor. It is the ideal PC for multitasking and gaming.

The features that make this computer stand out include a very powerful processor (quad core i7-960) with the option of a six core i7-980X upgrade for more demanding jobs. Add to this the installed Nvidia GeForce G310 and you have the ideal computer for the most advanced graphics. The computer also has acres of storage space. The standard memory provided is 3GB but you can upgrade it to a staggering 24GB. Hard drive storage also goes up to 2TB. The computer comes with a G310 graphics card but, should your graphics job require more punch, you can replace this with several ATI options. Other upgrade options available include the insertion of dual optical drives and WiFi. You are also given the option of Blu-ray and a TV tuner.

The processors featured in this computer make it one of the fastest in the market. It guarantees that you will be able to multitask and perform data transfer at lightning speeds. In addition to providing excellent graphics, this computer will be ideal for creating and watching videos. To enable you expand when the need arises, you are provided wqith 6 DIMM slots.

The computer’s Blu-ray disc option enables you to use it to watch movies. Moreover, you could connect it to an external TV or monitor through the HDMI port provided. The computer’s operating system is Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and you are also provided with spyware protection for one year. Each Studio XPS 9100 comes pre-installed with 2GB of Dell’s DataSafe software.

The computer is also very stylish and elegant. Opening and closing it whenever you need to upgrade is easy as no opening tools are needed.

The Studio XPS 9100 is simply a monster and, as you would expect, is one of the priciest in the market today. The goods news, however, is that you can reduce the purchase price substantially if you have Dell discount coupons. These coupons enable you to receive discounts on this computer and other Dell products. Obtaining the coupons is fast and easy because they are available online and you could get yours instantly.

Source by Nadav Snir


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