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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Foreplay Games – Intimate Love Play for Couples

To maintain both the quality and quantity of sexual intimacy in a relationship over time, couples need to play together more. While growing up, play was a fun and natural way to learn and develop important skills. It may sound strange but, as adults, we still need to play and have fun learning and interacting. For couples, sensual love play not only encourages more intimacy, it stimulates deeper levels of communication and bonding.

Foreplay games for lovers are designed to encourage intimate exploration of mind and body. They provide a means to introduce new sensual activities and topics of discussion in different combinations. Even in mature relationships, many people find it difficult to introduce new erotic desires or talk about sensitive subjects involving their sexual needs. With cards and dice, foreplay games offer up sensual ideas in random sequences and in different combinations. By agreeing to play a game and adhere to the rules, even timid lovers will push their boundaries and overcome some sexual inhibitions.

And, of course, sensual stimulation during your foreplay fun will lead to amazing sex play. Prolonged foreplay and extended pleasuring are the best ways to dramatically intensify your orgasm(s). Foreplay games not only pace your pleasuring, the random sensual activities during the game play will help intensify arousal and build excitement.

Not all erotic games will suite your interests but there is an extensive variety to choose from. Certain types focus on intimate communication and sensual exploration while others encourage more sexual variety and risqué fun. It is curious however that many foreplay game designs tend to dilute the thrill and challenge of competitive or skilled play. With an appropriate sexual forfeit or reward, a passionate desire to win can be very stimulating (see games/forfeits/”>Forfeits Foreplay for a list of competitive erotic games including full rules). Keep an eye out for creative games that might help spice up your sex life. Try playing a few adult games with your lover and see if you enjoy experiencing random acts of pleasure together.

There is always something new to discover about yourself, your lover and your relationship so love play is important regardless of your age. Whether in a new or mature relationship, couples need to make intimate play a priority and take the time to have fun with each other. Couples that play together stay together is not just a trite cliché but rather valuable words of advice. What ever games you play, fun times together will increase your joy and happiness and improve your life in many ways. Have fun and enjoy each other with a creative sense of adventure.

Source by Michael Kortekaas


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