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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Texting Games to Play With Your Boyfriend at Night

Sometimes, nights can be long and exchanging normal boring text messages with your boyfriend can do very little to stop the tossing and turning. However, thanks to dirty texting games, you can turn those boring nights into one of erotic moments and sexual anticipation.

There’s something about night and text messages, somehow you seem to always know what to say one text after the other. Maybe it’s the state of relaxation that we find ourselves in when lying between the sheets that make our mind’s wander into the creativity world.

To help keep your boyfriend engaged during those nights when you find yourself feeling a little raunchy, here are some texting games you might consider trying;

Story builder… This game involves building up a story with imaginary characters from scratch. The beauty of this game is that you can take it any direction you want as long as it excites both of you. You can make it dirty at some point, funny, naughty or intimate. Alternatively you can select a theme and build a story around it. You can agree on the rules or sets of words and even the character limits just to keep it exciting.

Kiss marry kill… One of the most intriguing and entertaining games, Kiss marry kill is a perfect game to play with your boyfriend when you want to make your night’s shorter. Basically, your boyfriend will name three personalities be it famous or close people in your life and you will choose who you want to kiss marry and kill. The intention of this game is to bring out some laughter in both of you, but you can add a sexual twist to it.

This can be done by using dirty lines to describe the actions of some characters in the game which will effectively turn it into dirty texting games you can engage in with your boyfriend during those nights when time seems to stand still.

What if… What if, just like the name implies is an answer and question game. It involves asking your boyfriend how he would react to certain situations. For instance you can ask him what if both of you were left on an island alone. Ask him what the first thing he would do to you. The answers to the questions don’t necessarily have to be true, but they should always remain suggestive to pave the way for the next question.

I spy… This classic game is fun and thrilling if played the right way. Start by telling your boyfriend where you are. That way he will know the type of item he is looking for. From there on, send him a text saying, I spy with my little eye an item that starts with… followed by the first letter of the item you’re looking for. He should guess the answer of the item you’re looking for.

It’s either he gets it right or gives up. You will send him the answer and it will be your turn. To bring in a sexual feel to the game ask for items that have sexual attachment to them like your lingerie, his pants and so on. Remember the aim here is take ordinary games and turn them to dirty texting games as long as they fulfill your desires.

I want to… There is nothing as sexy and arousing than telling your man what you want to do at night or finding out what he wants to do. “I want to” game is the perfect game to play if you want to get naughty all night long with your boyfriend. This game can turn overly sensual and leave both of you craving for each other’s body. It’s one of those texting games you play when you want to set the stage for explosive sex the next time you meet with your boyfriend.

Not only can you make your night’s shorter with these games, but you can increase your sexual drive and that of your boyfriend as well. As long as you have a phone, there’s no reason why you have to spend sleepless nights tossing and turning in bed.

Source by Connie Lewis

The post Texting Games to Play With Your Boyfriend at Night appeared first on IrresistibleMT.


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