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Saturday, February 24, 2018

How Can I Sell More Cars?

Talk to anyone that sells cars for a living and you will hear the same question over and over. That question is how can I sell more cars? The car salesman that works the showroom floor at the car dealership is paid on a commission basis so volume is important to them. The more metal they move the more they get paid. The auto salesperson is concerned with the amount of vehicles they sell, but the sales manager and the general manager are also compensated by the amount of inventory they sell.

The answer to that popular question of how can I sell more cars lies on the shoulders of the car salesman because they are the first person that the potential car buyer meets. When a customer comes on the lot and they are greeted by a salesperson the game begins. Every word, action and gesture determines the customer's next move. One wrong word or gesture can cause the potential buyer to become a shopper, but the right words and gestures can cause the customer to move forward in the car buying process. So when it comes down to it the car salesman's skills and abilities are what is needed to sell more cars.

The Car Salesman Can Sell More Cars

You travel around the world and talk to thousands of automobile salesmen and never find an average salesman, maybe a typical salesman, but not average. Some are top performers that sell 20 or more cars a month and some are members of what is commonly called the seven car club. The seven car club is a small group of sales people found at almost every dealership that sell 5 to 8 cars a month consistently and complain about everything they can think of and blame their lack of sales on everything except themselves. So to answer the common car salesman question of how can I sell more cars that they need to look in the mirror for the answer.

Car dealerships provide auto sales training for their sales staff, but it all comes down to salesperson and their drive, determination and desire. Some critics say that it is a lack of training for the salesman, but if that was the case there would not be all the salesmen that had the same training being selling the same amount of cars? The training provided by the dealer is a great start, but the real training is working the showroom floor and selling cars. The top salesmen at a car dealership can be making 100K a year while members of the seven car club may only be earning 30K a year. The difference is that the top performers are always asking themselves How Can I Sell More Cars.

How You Can Sell More Cars

The most successful car salesmen in the industry are always asking how can I sell more cars and then analyzing their methods, style and techniques for their effectiveness. They listen closely to their customers and learn from every potential car buyer that they have worked with including those they have sold and those they have not sold. They are always adapting and adjusting according to the customer that is in front of them and then learn from the process. Ultimately they sell more cars and get rewarded for their efforts in the form of car salesman income which can be quite substantial.

Source by Karl Beckham


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