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Monday, January 22, 2018

The Red Ring Of Death

Do not Panic !!! It's not over yet. Flashing red lights (The ring of death) instead of green on the games“>xbox 360 is a bad sign.
My story began on arriving home from a trip. As I entered the house my wife told me that she believed my little girl had messed up my Xbox 360. Knowing that a little girl could not possibly wreck my Xbox 360,
I brushed her off saying, "It's fine I will fix it later." Then the words every Xbox 360 owner fears were heard "It keeps flashing red". My fears arose quickly, it had finally found its way to my own home; The Red Ring of Death.
I ran to the bedroom, where my Xbox 360 is, to see it with my own eyes. There she was, all helpless as could be with a flashing red ring of death, illuminating my dark room.
I knew that I was not alone in this trial having hearing of this dreaded red ring of death online. Quickly I googled up "Help red ring of death" and sure enough thousands of hits came up. I dug through many home remedies that included vacuums, towels and others such ideas that could only damage my Xbox further until I found a video that actually took the Xbox 360 apart and displayed the fault creating the red ring of death.
I was not about to let my Xbox 360 go down like this and so I ordered the video teaching and manual and said good riddance to my red ring of death.

I am going to walk you through some simple steps.

First: I am going to ask you to unplug all cables from the unit, reinsert them, and try booting the system again. (What you might get is a working X-box 360 for a few minutes.

Second: Remove the hard drive and reboot the system to check and see if that is the problem.
(Just like Computers, hard drives to die.)

As I've said, each lit area of ​​flashing red lights indicates a different problem.

-If all four lights are flashing, Praise God for this is the easiest problem to fix. This is an issue with the AV cable not being properly inserted into the back of the console. The cure? Just make sure the cord is in tightly into the unit.

-If the problem is indicated in the second lit area of ​​the ring, it's overheating. Fixing this means you need to unplug the unit from the power supply, let it cool down, and get all those stupid games, movies and CD's lying around it AWAY from the console. (How would you like a sleeping bag over your head as you run a marathon?)

-If the problem is indicated in the third lit area of ​​the ring, its a hardware failure.

-If all the lights but the first section is flashing, this means a general hardware failure has occurred.
This problem is fixable. Repair centers all over charge 100's of dollars for you to fix them or you send them out to only find out that repairs will cost you more than the system is worth.

I am now playing my Xbox 360 and I seem to have been hired by friends to fix there red ring of death (now if only they would pay me for my work).

Source by Patrick Tousignant


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