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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Pros and Cons Of a Tablet PC

Ever since the launch of tablet PC's, it has widely replaced the laptop as a consumer product. Most people are now going for the tablet PC's depending on the reason they want to use it for. A tablet has many advantages over a laptop but has certain disadvantages too.

The most striking and easily discernible difference between a laptop and a tablet PC is the absence of a physical keyboard in the latter. The tablet has a compact convertible design which makes it a lot more portable than a laptop. You do not need a flat surface to set it open. It is very common and feasible to walk with a tablet in your hand, but doing so with a laptop would be pretty awkward and difficult too.

With laptops one generally has a very small touch pad only for moving the mouse. However in a tablet the entire screen is a touch pad. You just need to touch the icons on the screen. This makes the task of typing or working a lot more enjoyable and delightful to most people.

While working on a tablet you can actually interact with the person sitting in front of you. Your over-sized desktop or laptop will act as a wall in between. Therefore a tablet is the ideal option for sales meeting or even for class room lecture. This helps you take notes easily, without losing conversation with the person.

The best part about a tablet is that it is one of the personal gadgets that you can ever hope to posses. One can express oneself in one's own handwriting. Messages to friends, family, co-workers can be easily personalized. You can also send handwritten notes, drawings, or graphs. Even one's own signature can be added to the bottom of the emails that you send. There is there is absolutely no doubt about the fact that it is the tablet which adds the "Personal" to a "Personal Computer".

However since tablets are based on a new technology they are easily costlier than the normal laptops found around. This may act as a constraint to the prospective buyer. Also if you need to do a lot of typing, then a tablet pc is not the ideal thing for you. This is because it is not as easy to type a large volume of text in the tablet as it would be on a laptop. These are there before the potential benefits and demerits of a tablet PC. The decision of choice is entirely yours.

Source by Mukul Kr Sharma


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