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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Run Any Automobile on Water + Gas

Just when you thought Gas prices could not get much higher. We are now confronted with gas shortages. Local news in North Carolina ran rampant with stories of several gas stations running out of gas.

By making a couple of phone calls to siblings living elsewhere. I soon discovered gas shortages in other parts of the US as well. With ever increasing gas prices and gas running out. We need more

than ever a more efficient way to utilize gas. Gas one of our most precious resources, is seriously being depleted in this country. When is this crisis going to end? From everything I have been watching in the news relief

does not seem to be available anytime soon. People are already asking the question what can be done about it? We hear talks about the country being in a recession. It has been stated the economy may get worse than the

Great Depression. Government officials are running scared. And American people are wondering how much worse can things get. Here in the triangle of North Carolina it has been reported on the news. That customers are

actually hollying and screaming at each other about who was in line first. There are long lines of cars sitting at the gas pump. What you see is the stressed and angry faces of people sitting in these lines who want to get home or work.

Gas station owners are seriously wondering if they'll have enough shipment to service everyone. What can we do about this? You can cut down on the gas you use. Wait for the car manufactures to make all electric cars.

Or you can learn how to convert your car or truck to use water for gas. If just one of us learned this method. It just might make a difference. Maybe it would not stamp out the gas crisis right away. But it could make

life a little easier for you and me. Using water for gas could have a very positive effect on the economy if everyone did it. Run your car on water. Turn your car into a water powered machine. You could actually

reduce fuel by up to 60%. It is true you can run your car on water as efficiently as gas. This technology has been around for years now so this is no longer theory. Thousand of people have began to take advantage of

this technology. There have been increases of reported MPG …. (Miles Per Gallon) by up to 70%.

Do not be mislead gas prices may be down by 2 or 3 pennies. But that is all it is. I do believe the prices will be back on the rise. Till we we find away to stop depending on foreign countries for oil and gas.

If the gas crisis continue to climb, running your vehicle on water could become an all time Reality for You. This method works with any Car, Truck or SUV, and it is reversible.

Here are a few advantages to your benefit.

Say there are two or more drivers in your house-hold. Then your yearly savings could climb to 44,870 dollars more or less. Depending on the number of drivers in your family.

When you use this Water Driven technology the air is much cleaner, and less polluted.

You help the economy out till the government finds a solution to the gas crisis. Just because gas has gone down a few pennies is only a temporary fix.

As long as we are dependent on other countries for oil, gas prices will never be stable.

It is much cheaper to use gas and water in oppose to 100% water or only gas.

These are just a few advantages of water for gas technology. You can convert your car or truck to a Water Powered vehicle. And you can do this from the comfort of your own home. Or hire a mechanic to do this.

Source by Nadine Fletcher


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