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Monday, January 22, 2018

Gears of War 2 – Not Top Dog on Xbox Live?

There have been hordes of news about how GOW2 has yet to become the number one active Xbox live game. At first it would seem as though this was because of the horribly buggy match making when the game launched. But even after it was fixed in addition to a new map pack the number of live players is still the same.

I think what we are all failing to look at is shear numbers. Not to mention the fact that they released a map pack right after launch. Many gamers do not have the game and a lot more have not even purchased yet. While the rest of us are still trying to learn where the torque bow is on certain levels. So I really would not expect a huge surge in activity due to extra content that I have to pay for. I can even admit as a hardcore Gears fan I have yet to purchase the map pack because its not necessary.

The games GOW2 is trailing have all sold at least 6 million copies with the exception of World at War.We are looking at Halo, CoD4, and CoD5 while GOW2 is sitting pretty around maybe 2.5 million right now. Even if all the players who own GOW2 got on at the same time it would not amount to half of the Halo or CoD4 players.

As time passes I am sure we will see more live activity from Gears but as for now it's simply impossible to catch the leaders. Even though 3rd place is not exactly horrible on a system that addresses solely on it's online component.

Source by Chris M Ingram


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