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Monday, January 22, 2018

Chrissy Teigen and the rest of the internet bewildered by Philadelphia's #CriscoCops

Football fandom is a helluva thing.

Philadelphia officials are so concerned over the possibility of rioting on Sunday night, after the city’s Eagles face off against the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC Championship Game, that they’re resorting to extreme measures: Crews are greasing up light poles to stop people from climbing them.

The effort even has its very own hashtag: #CriscoCops.

It might seem odd, but this isn’t an unusual preparation for NFL cities. Football fans take this stuff seriously, and the NFC Championship Game is the last hurdle before the Super Bowl. The Eagles haven’t competed in the NFL’s championship game since the 2004 season and they’ve never won.

Sunday night could be a big moment for the city of Philadelphia.

Still, seeing a man grease up a light pole is an odd sight, especially when the purpose of said greasing is to stop crazed fans from climbing the thing. So odd, in fact, that even Chrissy Teigen took notice, along with many other razor-witted users of social media.

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